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What to Learn from Fortune 100 Customer Success Strategies

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Byline: This article is based on a podcast interview with Shareth Ben, Chief Customer Officer at Apptega

Blogpost Introduction:

In this episode, Shareth Ben, Chief Customer Officer at Apptega, shares insights on executing customer success strategies, drawing from his experience at Oracle and PwC. He emphasizes that every purchase is a change, positioning companies in change management, and advocates for breaking down silos and enhancing cross-functional collaboration.
Shareth highlights the crucial role of internal collaboration and data-driven decision-making in driving competitive advantage through superior customer experience. He discusses the importance of aligning internal processes and using “cultural brokers” to improve communication and productivity, enabling companies to focus on customer outcomes.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Breaking down silos and fostering cross-functional collaboration through strategies like appointing cultural brokers strengthens teamwork.
  • Using data effectively improves decision-making, streamlines operations, and enhances customer success.
  • Aligning leadership and teams is key to delivering seamless customer experiences.
  • Trust and openness within teams boost productivity and drive customer success.
  • Leveraging customer data shapes product, marketing, and sales strategies to improve business performance.

The Foundation of Cross-Functional Collaboration

Shareth Ben emphasizes the importance of breaking down organizational silos to foster successful customer interactions. His experience demonstrates that customer success is driven by strong internal collaboration. Organizations can enhance communication and improve overall efficiency by aligning teams across departments.

What to Learn from Fortune 100 Customer Success Strategies

He advocates for a holistic approach to internal collaboration, where buy-in from HR, legal, technology, and business units is crucial. He recounts a 2013 experience during the Snowden incident, where cross-functional synergies played a vital role in securing company assets and maintaining the organization’s reputation. This example underscores the need for seamless communication between departments, especially during high-stakes situations.

One of his key strategies to bridge gaps between departments was hiring a VP of Sales within the customer success unit. This individual acted as a cultural broker, facilitating smoother interactions with the sales team by speaking their language and aligning their goals. This approach fostered greater collaboration, enabling the teams to work together more effectively.

Embracing Change Through Data-Driven Consulting

Data is crucial in driving effective consultancy, both internally and externally. Leading with data helps support strategic decisions, bringing clarity and fostering change across the organization. By utilizing data effectively, companies can better align their objectives with actionable insights.

Customer success leaders should leverage data to influence various organizational functions. For instance, using support data can shape the product roadmap, allowing for both reactive and proactive adjustments based on customer feedback. This approach improves product development and ensures alignment with market needs, ultimately boosting customer satisfaction.

Another critical use of data is understanding the cost of serving non-ideal customers. Organizations can identify and avoid high-cost customers who may strain resources or pose retention risks by analyzing sales data. This data-driven approach helps manage service overhead, minimize support issues, and safeguard long-term business success.

Cultivating a Culture of Empowerment and Productivity

A successful customer experience starts with an empowered and productive team, which thrives in an environment of trust and openness. Shareth highlights the importance of creating a culture where team members feel trusted, as this fosters maximum productivity and collaboration.

Team productivity requires a careful balance, especially in today’s post-pandemic world. He points to a Gallup study mentioned in Culture Shock that reveals a productivity crisis in the U.S. The key challenge is to balance work and personal life without sacrificing efficiency or output.

To address this, he empowers his team by encouraging ownership and decision-making. By avoiding micromanagement and fostering a sense of autonomy, teams become more efficient and experience greater job satisfaction. This, in turn, leads to improved client interactions and overall success.


In conclusion, successful customer interactions are deeply rooted in strong internal collaboration, data-driven decision-making, and empowered teams. By breaking down organizational silos, fostering cross-department communication, and leveraging data insights, companies can align their internal processes with external goals. Additionally, cultivating a culture of trust and autonomy within teams boosts productivity and enhances customer satisfaction. Together, these strategies create a foundation for long-term business success and resilience in an ever-evolving market landscape.

The full interview with Shareth Ben on ‘What to Learn from Fortune 100 Customer Success Strategiesis HERE.

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