About Us About us

About Us

We Create Teams That Build Strong Relationships With Customers

Success is possible through strong communication and deep eagerness to develop, learn and become better

Our Story

WOW Results, Because We Care About People

We started as a small support service with a few clients and a big desire to build a company that makes communication between customers and businesses human-like, pleasant, easy, and affordable.

We’ve been delivering customer support since 2008. Today, we provide services for clients from 21 countries worldwide.

We are inspired by our success in connecting customers, service/product providers, and their satisfaction from mutual benefits. When we do a good job, people say thank you. When our service is stellar they go “Wow’.

Denys Dubner, CEO

How It Works?

We perform onboarding free of charge


To choose the most effective tools and support channels, we’ll ask you to provide
us with some information concerning your company, products or services you

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Team Training

Our cooperation will start with the two weeks training period. During this time we’ll
set up several meetings and training sessions to find out more about your needs
and expectations.

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Based on the gathered information, we’ll prepare the special training test to
ensure that every agent on our team is ready to serve your customers and meet
your requirements in full.

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Go Live

The team starts performing operational tasks. The onboarding dept tracks
performance for 1 month after going live to eliminate any flaws that may surface.

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Provide us with the latest news about your products or services so that our team
can stay updated to help your customers in the best possible way.

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CRMs We Work With Include:

Let's Discuss Your Business Model To Find The Best Solutions

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