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Frequently Asked Questions


General Question

What Is The Difference Between Bundles?
The agents in Shared Teams provide service for up to 5 clients at the same time on average. In Semi-Dedicated Teams – 2 clients maximum. Dedicated Agents or Teams work for 1 client exclusively.

We offer three types of Shared bundles: Startup, Basic, and Semi-Dedicated. They are distinct by the number of monthly interactions they can process, time for service provision, and training time, respectively.

– The Startup bundle can process about 700 interactions per month, spending 130 hours on your project. The training period takes 1-2 weeks.

– The Basic bundle can process up to 1.350 interactions per month, spending 270 hours on your project. The training period takes 1-3 weeks.

– The Semi-Dedicated bundle can process up to 2.000 interactions per month, spending 400 hours on your project. The training period is custom.
Is Training Included/Free?
Training is included no matter what option you choose. For Dedicated Teams/Agents, the service provision begins with the training.
Is There A Limit On Communication Channels?
It depends on the Bundle Selected. Some bundles are for Calls Only, some for Chats/Emails only, and most of the bundles cover all channels.

Our agents can provide multi-channel support strictly following customer requirements and SLAs.

Please reach out to our Sales team so we can recommend the most suitable bundle for you.
Do You Use Your Support CRMs?
We typically work with our client’s CRM to make its operation seamless.

If you have no CRM software, we can help you choose and set it up. We are partners with most of the large CRM providers.
How Many Projects Can One Shared Team Handle?
It all depends on the projects’ scale. But on average, one shared team handles 4-6 projects simultaneously.
What Is The Difference Between Shared And Semi-Dedicated Teams?
A Semi-Dedicated team is a Shared team handling 2-3 projects simultaneously.
Who Covers Vacations And Sick Leaves?
All vacations and sick leaves are covered by WOW24-7. Some clients decide to provide some extra days off for the agents occasionally as goodwill.
How Many Agents Will Support My Project?
There are 5 or 6 agents and 1 team lead in Shared teams and an unlimited number of agents in Dedicated teams (depending on customer requirements).
Can We Choose Cheaper/More Expensive Options Depending On The Number Of Interactions After Going Live?
You may switch to a bundle with the required number of interactions. We are very flexible.
Are You GDPR Compliant?
Yes, we are GDPR compliant.
Do You Have An ISO Certificates?
Yes, we have ISO27001 and ISO9001 certificates. We are working on other certificates as well.
What Documents Do We Sign Before Going Live?
Usually, we sign a Master Service Agreement (MSA), Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), and Data Process Agreement (DPA). But if you need any additional agreements to comply with legislation or corporate policies, we are also open to signing them.
Can We Talk With Agents First?

You may talk with agents before signing MSA and other agreements.

In the case of Dedicated Agents/Teams, you may approve the agents before they are hired. If you don’t like the agent for any reason, we’ll bring other ones to interview.
What Does “One Interaction” Mean?
In general, one interaction is one complete cycle of communication with the end customer (for example, one email, one completed chat, or one call).
How Do You Bill?
We work based on deposit prepayment and deferred payment methods, depending on customer needs and in accordance with our credit risk policies.
How Many Agents Do You Currently Have?
We have 250+ professional agents at this moment.


We have small and perfectly manageable teams. We feel this criterion is more important than the overall employee headcount.
Do You Have An Office?
Yes, we have legal offices in US and EU, and several operational offices in Ukraine. Two larger offices are in Lviv and Kyiv.

Both Ukrainian operations centers are equipped with power generators, satellite internet StarLink as well as high-speed cable internet, coffee machines, and cookie bars. We can become fully independent from the central power or internet supply within 60 seconds.

We also have several sports rooms where employees can play ping-pong, and enjoy any kind of fitness & exercise during the breaks.

We also respect our team members’ desire to work remotely. And we also support a hybrid work model.
Do You Backup Your Data?
Can We Request Custom Coverage?
Yes. You can request custom coverage no matter what team you choose.
How Long Does The Training Process Take?
If your project is in a domain where one of our teams has lots of expertise, and your business process and workflow are standard, there will be minimum training required. For example, we have lots of experience in the retail, e-commerce, e-learning, and travel industries.

Otherwise, the training process may take 2-6 weeks, depending on your project.
Who Will Check Agents Performance?
In addition to Team Leads, we have Quality Assurance Managers evaluating service quality and sharing relevant reports with our customers on a regular basis.

We also have Customer Success Managers to whom you may address any concerns you may have.
What Languages Do You Support?
These are the standard languages we cover for both calls and chats/emails:

  • English

  • German

  • Spanish

  • French

  • Italian

  • Polish

  • Arabic

Additionally, we hire agents proficient in any other required language based on client needs. Be it Mandarin, Swedish, or other languages.
Can You Help Me To Set Up A CRM System?
Yes, absolutely.

We can also set up a workflow, knowledge base, reporting system, and analytics. Please feel free to ask our Sales Team.
What Hardware Do You Use?
We use:

– A desktop PC or a laptop with Core i5 or higher dual/quad-core processor at 1.8 GHz minimum; 8GB RAM; 128 GB SSD.

– Standard size monitor with a minimum resolution of 1920×1080.

– A phone headset.
Can You Provide Me With References?
Feel free to find all the references here: Case Studies
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