Retail Online and In-Store CX Trends for 2024 Retail Online and In-Store CX Trends for 2024 | WOW24-7
Best Practices
Updated: June 28, 2024
5 min read

Retail Online and In-Store CX Trends for 2024

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Byline: This article is based on a podcast interview with Chancy Chen, Head of Omnichannel Customer Experience at T&T Supermarket.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Consumer behavior is rapidly changing, emphasizing the need for retailers to adapt to omnichannel experiences to meet customer expectations post-pandemic.
  • Empowering frontline staff through training and competence building can increase customer satisfaction and sales performance.
  • Ensuring a solid linkage between customer experience metrics and sales metrics is essential for showcasing the impact of customer experience on revenue generation.
  • Prioritizing employee satisfaction alongside customer satisfaction leads to higher engagement levels and better brand representation.
  • Building a culture of openness to change and leading by example as a customer experience leader is crucial for business success.


In this article, Chancy Chen explores the evolution of omnichannel experiences in retail, particularly in light of changing consumer behavior during and after the pandemic. He emphasizes the significance of a seamless approach and delves into the challenges and opportunities within the retail landscape.

Chancy discusses transforming customer service from a cost center to a revenue driver, highlighting how employee satisfaction directly influences customer satisfaction and business growth. Through data utilization, training, and staff empowerment, he shares practical strategies and success stories, illustrating the direct link between customer experience metrics and sales performance.

The Evolution of Retail Customer Behavior

In the modern retail landscape, the only constant is change. Consumer behavior has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, with the pandemic acting as a catalyst for digital adoption. The shift from traditional brick-and-mortar shopping to online experiences has propelled retailers into omnichannel customer engagement. According to Chancy, this evolution calls for a unified and seamless approach to cater to the needs of omnichannel customers.

He emphasizes the importance of a clear strategy aligned with all organizational stakeholders. By fostering a common goal of serving the community across various touchpoints, retailers can create a consistent brand experience for consumers, regardless of their chosen channel. This strategic shift enables retailers to meet evolving customer expectations and drive sustainable growth in a competitive market.

Bridging Customer Experience Metrics with Sales Performance

One of Chancy’s most significant insights is the direct correlation between customer experience metrics and sales performance. By linking customer satisfaction rates with shopping frequency and purchase behavior, retailers can quantify the impact of their customer experience initiatives on revenue generation. He underscores the need for a robust data infrastructure to measure and analyze these linkages, empowering customer experience leaders to make informed business decisions.

Moreover, he highlights the importance of focusing on the human element in customer experience management. While technological advancements like AI and automation enhance productivity, they cannot replace the personalized interactions and emotional connections that human agents provide. Investing in employee training and empowerment boosts agent satisfaction and increases customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading to increased sales and long-term growth.

Empowering Agents for Exceptional Customer Experiences

Empowering frontline agents to make decisions and exercise autonomy in customer interactions is a key driver of exceptional customer experience. By providing a hierarchical scenario-based training approach, Chancy’s team at T&T Supermarkets transformed their online customer call center into an enterprise-level customer support center. This transformation enabled agents to deliver fast, effective resolutions while showcasing their expertise and enhancing the overall customer experience.

His success story underscores the importance of agent empowerment in driving customer satisfaction and business outcomes. By trusting and empowering agents to act in customers’ best interests, retailers can create a culture of excellence that reverberates throughout the organization. This customer-centric approach enhances the quality of interactions and fosters a positive work environment, leading to higher employee engagement and superior customer experience delivery.

Navigating the Future of Retail Customer Experience

As the retail landscape evolves, mastering omnichannel customer experience has become a crucial differentiator for brands aiming to thrive in the digital age. Chancy’s insights highlight the strategic imperatives for success, emphasizing the need for a unified and seamless approach across all customer touchpoints. By aligning organizational goals with omnichannel strategies, retailers can ensure a cohesive customer journey that meets modern consumers’ high expectations, enhancing the overall shopping experience.

He underscores the importance of empowering frontline staff and leveraging data-driven insights to build a customer-centric culture. Empowering employees through training and the right tools enables personalized and efficient service, boosting customer satisfaction. Utilizing data to understand consumer behavior allows retailers to tailor offerings and communications, creating meaningful interactions. This approach drives revenue growth and fosters long-term consumer relationships, establishing a loyal customer base and promoting sustained business success.


In conclusion, mastering omnichannel customer experience requires a relentless focus on innovation, collaboration, and customer-centricity. By embracing change, harnessing data, and empowering employees, retailers can position themselves at the forefront of the industry, delivering seamless and personalized experiences that resonate with modern consumers. Success in this area drives immediate revenue growth and ensures long-term competitiveness in an ever-evolving market.

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