Transforming Contact Centers: From Cost to Value Centers Transforming Contact Centers: From Cost to Value Centers | WOW24-7
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Updated: May 6, 2024
4 min read

Transforming Contact Centers: From Cost to Value Centers

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landscape, contact centers should be seen not as mere cost centers but as valuable assets that can significantly impact a company’s success. This shift in perception will be driven by the realization that exceptional customer service can be a key differentiator in a highly competitive market.

In a recent interview, Florian Schröder, the Head of Customer Success at Stepstone, one of the world’s leading job platforms, discussed the importance of transforming contact centers into value centers and shared their recommendations for making this transition successful.

Hiring The Right People And Cultivating A Service-Oriented Mentality

The first step in transforming contact centers into value centers is hiring the right people passionate about working with customers. Florian emphasizes the importance of finding individuals who genuinely enjoy interacting with customers and have the necessary skill set to provide exceptional service. However, finding these individuals can be challenging, as the market has a global shortage of skilled labor.

Florian suggests that companies need to invest in developing the skill set of their contact center employees and pay them accordingly. By providing ongoing training and support, companies can ensure their employees have the tools to deliver excellent service. Additionally, cultivating a service-oriented mentality among contact center employees is crucial. This can be achieved by creating a company culture that values customer service and recognizes its impact on the organization’s overall success.

Integrating Contact Center Performance Into Overall Company Success

Companies need to integrate their performance into the organization’s overall success to transform contact centers into value centers. Florian highlights the importance of understanding that selling a product is just one part of the customer journey. Every customer interaction with a company, including their experience with the contact center, can significantly impact their perception of the brand.

By aligning key performance indicators (KPIs) with the overall company goals, companies can measure the value created by their contact centers. This not only helps evaluate the effectiveness of the contact center but also promotes its value internally. When employees understand that their work directly contributes to the company’s success, they are more likely to be motivated and strive for excellence in customer interactions.

Understanding Customer Needs And Tailoring Service

In today’s highly competitive market, understanding customer needs and tailoring service accordingly is critical. Florian emphasizes the importance of trying new things and discovering what matters to customers. This can vary depending on the industry, whether business-to-consumer (B2C) or business-to-business (B2B), and the product or service’s complexity.

By experimenting with different approaches and analyzing the results, companies can identify what works best for their customers and scale those strategies. This requires a collaborative effort between the contact center team and the rest of the organization. By taking the entire team on a journey to develop the necessary skills and aligning on a common service approach, companies can ensure a consistent and exceptional customer experience.


The shift from contact centers as cost to value centers has significant implications for businesses. Companies can differentiate themselves from competitors by investing in their contact centers and prioritizing exceptional customer service. Positive customer experiences lead to loyalty and positive word-of-mouth, which can significantly impact a company’s reputation and future sales.

Furthermore, integrating contact center performance into the overall company’s success fosters a culture of collaboration and customer-centricity. When employees understand their value to the organization, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated to deliver exceptional service.

The transformation of contact centers from cost centers to value centers requires a strategic approach. Companies can create a customer-centric culture by hiring the right people, developing their skill set, and cultivating a service-oriented mentality. Integrating contact center performance into the overall company’s success and tailoring service to meet customer needs further enhances the value of contact centers. Ultimately, this shift can lead to increased customer loyalty, positive word-of-mouth, and a competitive advantage in the market.

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